Nih sumo nak ado shoutbox la konon. Buleh chat la kunun. Dah ado forum, berforum yo lah. Nih sibuk nak chatting pulak. Kalau nak chatting gak pakai la messenger ko AOL ko ICQ ko google talk ko. Nih dah sibuk install lopeh tu error. Ni den dah try re-install balik tapi pun error jugak. Tak tahu nak cakap apo dah nih. Kalau kono register baru, buek la baru. Mesej yang kek bawah nih buek den poning. Nampak simple tapi bab data base nih den tak paham. Ekau try la tanyo sesapo yang tau. Lain kali kalau nak chat, masuk MiRC. ASL please.....
Tapi akhirnya dapat jugak diselamatkan...
The installer has detected another version of SMF already installed with the specified information. If you are trying to upgrade, you should use the upgrader, not the installer.
Otherwise, you may wish to use different information, or create a backup and then delete the data currently in the database.
Tapi akhirnya dapat jugak diselamatkan...
apo bondo eh tat? den tak paham
nih forum je nih
bole tengok kat